Industrial First Aid Kit
First Aid Kit Industrial
First Aid Kit is a must for every company's first aid program. Keeping the First Aid Kit stocked with First Aid Supplies is just as important in case of a medical emergency. Our 5,4,3 and 2 shelf First Aid Cabinets provide you with the proper mix of items to keep your employees safe, productive and on-the-job. Each First Aid Kit contains high quality products to care for most first aid emergency.
Industrial First Aid Kit
These Industrial First Aid Kits are made of sturdy metal and covered with a durable white enamel coating. They can be mounted on the wall or carried as a portable first aid kit. These industrial first aid kits provide quick access to a selection of common first aid supply products. Our emergency first aid kits are manufactured by Medique. We carry a full line of industrial first aid kits and supplies to help you stay stocked up on all of your first aid kit needs. Every company's first aid program should begin with an adequately stocked first aid cabinet.