Trauma Kit- Rescue One- First Aid Kit
MaydayTrauma Kit Rescue One First Aid
Rescue One- First Aid Kit. This trauma kit contains all of the needed first aid supplies in case of a first aid emergency. Always be prepared in case of an emergency and keep your trauma kit stocked and ready. We offer super low prices and friendly customer service that is always ready to help you.
Rescue One First Aid Trauma Kit
Always be prepared for a first aid emergency with one of our First Aid Trauma Kits. The Rescue One Trauma Kit contains the necessary items needed in case of an emergency. You can literally "grab and go" when a first aid emergency arises. This Rescue One Trauma Kit has you covered all in this handy self contained trauma kit.
Rescue One Trauma Kit Includes:
1-EMS Box
1-First Aid Booklet
2-Instant Ice Packs
1-2” ACE Bandage
1-3” ACE Bandage
1-Bandage Scissors
4-Pair Latex Gloves
5-2”x2” Gauze Pads
5-3”x3” Gauze Pads
6-4”x4” Gauze Pads
12-Triple Antibiotics
4-Eye Pads
12-Antiseptic Wipes
1-Tissue Pack
1-Eye Wash
4-Small Rolls Tape
2-Blood Stoppers
1-Wire Splint
1-Box Butterfly Bandages
4-Tongue Depressors
1-CPR Mouthpiece
4-Burn Free Dressings
1-Box Patch Bandages
2-Triangular Bandages
1-Box 1”x3” Bandages
2-4”x4” Burn Free
2-Instant Ice Packs
2-2”x6 yd Gauze Rolls
1-Dr's Penlight
4-5”x9” Combine Dressing Bandages
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