S.T.A.R.T. II 217 Piece Emergency Medical Unit-black bag
S.T.A.R.T. II 217 piece emergency medical unit First Aid Kit has everything you need for a first aid, medical emergency, including a first aid book to guide you. Always be prepared for a first aid emergency with our S.T.A.R.T II Medical Unit.
S.T.A.R.T. II Medical Unit
This S.T.A.R.T. II Medical Unit contains 217 pieces of necessary first aid items needed in case of an emergency. Also included is a 27 page first aid guide book to help guide you through most first aid emergencies.
This Emergency Medical First Aid Kit Includes:
- 6- 2”x 2” Gauze Pads
- 8- 3”x 3” Gauze Pads
- 8- 4”x 4” Gauze Pads
- 4- Bloodstoppers
- 1- Sting Relief
- 1- CPR Mouthpiece
- 6- Tongue Depressors
- 18- 1”x 3” Band-Aids
- 1- Tweezers
- 1- Whistle
- 1- Stethoscope
- 1- Thermometer
- 2- 2” Ace bandages
- 6- Pain Stoppers
- 6- Non Aspirin
- 6- Buffered Aspirin
- 4- Ice Packs
- 6- Pair Latex Gloves
- 2- Solar Blankets
- 6- Sterile Eye Pads
- 3- Sun Block
- 12- 3”x 1½” Knuckle Bandages
- 4- 3”x 4” Non Adhesive Bandages
- 1- Ammonia Inhalant (10 Pack)
- 6- 2”x 3” Patch Bandages
- 3- 5” x 9” Combine Dressings
- 6- Fingertip Bandages
- 12- Sanidex Antimicrobial Wipes
- 12- Alcohol Preps
- 12- Antiseptic Towelettes
- 2- Wire Splints
- 9- Antibiotic Ointment
- 6- Iodine Prep Pads
- 6- Sterile Gauze Rolls-2”x6 yds.
- 3- Adhesive Tape-1”x 10 yds.
- 4- Triangular Bandages
- 6- Large Butterfly Bandages
- 6- Towelettes
- 1- Carrying Case
- 1- Paramedic Scissors
- 6- 4”x 4” Burn Free
- 8- 1/8 ounce Burn Free
- 1- Life Savers
- 2- Chapstick
- 1- 27 Page First Aid Book
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