Mountain Road Warrior Survival Kit -22 piece
This Mountain Road Warrior Emergency Survival Kit is perfect for most all road emergency situations. All survival kit items are packed in a heavy-duty backpack. This Mountain Road Warrior Kit contains all of the items you would need in a mountain road emergency.
Mountain Road Warrior Survival Kit
This Mountain Road Warrior Survival Kit fits most all road emergency situations. All items are packed in a heavy-duty backpack to keep your items contained and ready when needed.
Mountain Road Warrior Survival Kit contains:
- 2400 Calorie Food Bar
- 30 Minute High-Intensity Light Stick
- Tow Rope
- Auto Spot Light
- Jumper Cables
- First Aid Kit
- Flashlight with Batteries
- Fire Extinguisher
- Solar Sleeping Bag
- Waterproof Poncho
- Swiss Style Army Knife
- Flat Tire Fixer
- Drinking Water
- Leather Gloves
- Whistle
- Duct Tape
- Swiss Army Style Utility Knife
- Emergency Instructions
- Help Sign
- Moist Towelettes
- Reflecting Triangle weight: 13 lbs.