4 Shelf Restaurant First Aid Kit - Includes Shelf
Medique4 Shelf Restaurant First Aid Kit
Restaurant First Aid Kit for use in Restaurants and Food Service Businesses. These First Aid Kits come complete with Hi Vis Blue Bandages including hi vis blue bandage strips, hi vis blue fingertip bandages, hi vis blue knuckle bandages.
This Industrial Restaurant First Aid Kit meets all OSHA first aid kit requirements.
First aid kit contents:
* Medi-wash eyewash 4 oz.
* Medi drops eye drops 1 oz.
* Antiseptic spray 2 oz.
* Burn spray 2 oz.
* Triple antibiotic ointment (25)
* Antiseptic wipes (20)
* Alcohol pads (50)
* Ammonia inhalant swabs (10)
* Cotton tip applicator 3 (15)
* Medi-rip 2" self adherent,1
* Adhesive tape, tri-cut 5 yards,1
* 100 - 1 x 3 flexible fabric Blue Bandages
* 25 - Fingertip flexible fabric Blue Bandages
* 40 - Knuckle flexible fabric Blue Bandages
* 144 - Blue Finger Cots - latex- Large
* 3"x 3" sterile gauze pads (10)
* Blood stopper compress dressing
* 2"x 3" non adherent sterile pad (10)
* Eye pads (4)
* Triangular bandage (1)
* Disposable latex gloves in bag (4)
* 4-1/2" angle scissors
* Antacid,box of 250
* Non-aspirin, box of 100
* Pain Zappers, box of 250
* Cold relief, box of 250
* First aid guide
Industrial restaurant first aid kit size: 21 1/8"x 15 1/8"x 5 5/8"
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